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Protector de colchón refrescante
Protector de colchón refrescante
Protector de colchón refrescante
Protector de colchón refrescante
Cooling Mattress Protector - Sweet Zzz Official
Protector de colchón refrescante
Cooling Mattress Protector - Sweet Zzz Official
Cooling Mattress Protector - Sweet Zzz Official
Cooling Mattress Protector - Sweet Zzz Official
Cooling Mattress Protector - Sweet Zzz Official

Protector de colchón refrescante

SKU: Mattress Protector - Twin
Precio habitual $141.90 Precio de oferta $70.95 Guardar $70.95
Compre 2 Ahorre 10% - Compre 3+ Ahorre 15%
  • Fibra 100% natural a base de eucalipto. Más fresco que el algodón sin ninguno de los defectos.
  • Protección 100% impermeable sin sacrificar la refrigeración ni la durabilidad.
  • Absorbe la humedad y seca. Tencel siempre elimina la humedad de tu piel.
  • Protege contra alérgenos y ácaros del polvo creando una experiencia de sueño libre de alergias.
  • Mantenga el colchón limpio de líquidos, piel muerta y suciedad; protegiendo así su garantía.
  • Banda elástica de alta calidad que lo mantiene agradable y ajustado a la cama evitando que se amontone.
  • Sostenible y certificado como seguro para bebés y personas con piel sensible.
  • Política de devolución de 50 días. Disfrute de una política de devolución de 50 días en toda nuestra ropa de cama.
  • Disponible con protección superior normal o protección de 6 lados con revestimiento.
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    ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre el protector Tencel y la funda Tencel?

    Ambos protectores son para colchones de 8" a 15". Ambos también utilizan exactamente los mismos materiales de alta calidad, como el eucalipto 100% natural. La diferencia entre ellos es la cobertura que ofrecen.
    El Protector Tencel se ajusta más como una sábana ajustable y tiene un faldón con banda elástica que se ajusta alrededor del colchón. Está destinado a proteger la parte superior del colchón y es bueno para proteger contra todo, desde líquidos hasta ácaros del polvo, pero no protege contra las chinches.
    El protector de colchón con funda es un protector de seis lados con cremallera. Envuelve el colchón por completo. Todos los lados están protegidos y por lo tanto es un protector contra chinches.

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    ¿La funda de su colchón Tencel protege contra las chinches?

    Sí, nuestro protector de colchón con funda Tencel en realidad está diseñado para proteger contra chinches, además de protección contra líquidos y ácaros del polvo. Tiene una cremallera y es bueno para proteger contra las chinches, ya que envuelve todo el colchón.

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    ¿El protector del colchón enfría?

    Nuestra funda protectora de colchón está hecha de fibra 100% natural a base de eucalipto también conocida como Tencel. Tencel se mantiene más fresco que cualquier otro tejido porque es más transpirable y absorbe la humedad. Este material es muy utilizado por los deportistas porque elimina la humedad muy rápidamente en comparación con cualquier otro tejido.
    Esto se debe a que Tencel tiene una alta capacidad hidrofílica, lo que significa que absorbe mucha más humedad sin sentirse mojado.
    Esto te ayuda a mantenerte seco y cómodo durante toda la noche.
    La capacidad del tejido para perder tanta humedad como la que absorbe en el aire ayuda a que la piel respire de forma natural, permitiéndole disfrutar de una buena noche de sueño.

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    ¿El protector Sweet Zzz Tencel es bueno para pieles sensibles?

    Sí. Tencel es un material natural elaborado a partir de Eucalipto. Es transpirable y te ayuda a dormir fresco durante las noches calurosas.
    Es tan suave para la piel que es perfecto para pieles sensibles y también es resistente a alérgenos y ácaros del polvo.

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    ¿Este protector de colchón afectará la sensación de mi cama?

    No. Nuestro protector de colchón está diseñado específicamente para mantener la misma sensación del colchón sin cambiar nada y al mismo tiempo ofrecer protección.

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    ¿Tener un protector de colchón realmente hace que mi colchón dure más? ¿O es sólo para las alergias?

    De hecho, los estudios han demostrado que un protector de colchón prolongará la vida útil de un colchón hasta 3 veces. La piel muerta y los líquidos que llegan al colchón harán que la espuma y la espiral del colchón se debiliten. Esto hace que el colchón se hunda y, a su vez, resulte doloroso dormir sobre él.
    También es importante tener en cuenta que la mayoría de los fabricantes de colchones anularán la garantía si no se utiliza ningún protector y lo llamarán "abuso del cliente". Por lo tanto, no sólo prolonga la vida útil de su colchón sino que también mantiene intacta su garantía.

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    ¿Cuáles son los tamaños disponibles para el protector de colchón refrescante?

    Tamaño Ancho Longitud altura
    Mellizo 38" 75" 15"
    Doble XL 38" 80" 15"
    Lleno 54" 75" 15"
    Reina 60" 80" 15"
    Rey 76" 80" 15"
    rey cal 72" 84" 15"
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    ¿Cuáles son las instrucciones de cuidado?

    Lavar a máquina con agua fría en ciclo suave. Secar en secadora a fuego lento. No utilice lejía ni plancha o la garantía quedará anulada.

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    ¿Cuál es la construcción del protector de colchón refrescante?

    La funda está fabricada con fibra 100% natural a base de Eucalipto. La barrera 100% impermeable está hecha de una laminación de poliuretano no tóxica y es la barrera impermeable más segura y duradera disponible en la actualidad.
    Diseñado y probado en EE. UU., Importado.

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    ¿Cómo funciona la garantía de 10 años?

    La garantía protege contra cualquier defecto de fabricación y solo puede ser utilizada por el comprador original. Los daños al producto causados ​​por un uso inadecuado o por abuso, mal uso o no seguir adecuadamente las instrucciones de cuidado anularán la garantía.

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¿Debo conseguir el protector o la funda?

Protector Encerramiento
Eucalipto 100% Natural
100% impermeable
Aumentar el enfriamiento
Proteger de los ácaros del polvo
Proteger la garantía del colchón
Mantenga el colchón limpio
Aumentar la vida útil del colchón
Reducir las alergias
Mantenga seca la superficie para dormir
Proteger de las chinches No
Lados de protección Arriba Los 6 lados

Transpirable Impermeable Barrera

Las fibras hidrofílicas del Tencel siempre alejan la humedad de la piel. Esto significa que la funda sigue siendo extremadamente transpirable durante la noche y no favorece el sobrecalentamiento.

El protector de colchón refrescante Sweet Zzz se muestra perfectamente ajustado a un colchón
familia jugando juntos en una cama con sábanas de bambú

Protege contra Alérgenos y ácaros del polvo

Los ácaros del polvo requieren dos cosas para prosperar; un ambiente húmedo y una fuente confiable de alimento. La barrera impermeable evita el paso de las células muertas de la piel, deteniendo la fuente de alimento, mientras que las fibras hidrófilas de Tencel mantienen la funda seca y fresca. Esto presenta a los ácaros del polvo un ambiente habitable reduciendo las alergias y las irritaciones de la piel causadas por ellos.

Completa tranquilidad

Garantía de 10 años

Disfrute de una garantía de 10 años en su
Protector de colchón refrescante

Prueba de riesgo gratuita de 50 días

Prueba tu protector de colchón refrescante
libre de riesgos durante 50 días


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Estamos orgullosos de ser miembros de 1% for the Planet, una organización dedicada a dar Volvamos a causas medioambientales. El 1% de cada compra se destinará a un futuro más ecológico.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2175 reviews
Tired W.

My husband has bladder issues. It’s not his fault, it’s not something he can control, but it IS frustrating. We work opposite shifts, so I’d come home from a long night at work to find a wet bed and nowhere for me to sleep. So, I got a mattress protector from Walmart, it said it was waterproof and it worked okay-ish.. it was better than nothing, but it’s “waterproof” barrier still let quite a bit of liquid through. Not ideal, but I figured it was the best I’d get without one of those hospital mattresses or rubber sheets. Eventually, with use and washing, it went from okay-ish to “what is this thing even doing??!?” I started looking for other options. That’s when I found SweetZzz on a website for people with incontinence issues. It had pretty good reviews, so I thought it was worth a shot. A girls gotta sleep. When it came in I thought, “there’s no way this is waterproof - it’s too thin and soft!” I put the protector on and forgot about it. A few weeks later I came home to my husband carrying the sheets and bedding into the laundry room. I thought to myself, “Oh no.. Another night with not enough sleep. Where’s the cleaner spray? I’ll get started..” I walked into the bedroom to find nothing - NOT EVEN A DROP on the mattress. NOTHING!! Nothing! To say I’m impressed is the understatement of my LIFETIME. I think angels sang. We put the SweetZzz protector in the washer and I foolishly replaced it with the old “protector,” made the bed and drifted off into bliss. Totally forgot until a few weeks later, tonight, when it happened again… walked in to find the bed stripped and my husband sleeping on a towel. Instant regret. I’d been meaning to buy another one but had forgotten. When things work right, you don’t HAVE to think about them constantly. That’s when I knew, I had to order more. Which is what I’m doing on this site right now. Ordering more. I wish they weren’t so expensive, I’d order 5 of them. Regardless, we will have at LEAST two on hand until the issue is resolved or some even MORE magical product comes on the market. Seriously amazed!

The best in 8 years!!

I’ve been buying mattress protectors for 8 years since I heard of them and this one is the best so far after almost 10 months of usage. Let me tell you my story to this protector. I thought to cover your mattress you need to buy sheets. Only after so many years of not using a mattress protector did I know that you actually still need a protector with your sheets. About 8 years ago I purchased my first mattress when I moved out and I didn’t purchase a mattress protector then. Within the first year the mattress’s cover started changing color and I found out from research that to completely protect your mattress from sweat you need a mattress protector not just sheets. Since then I have bought so many mattress protectors and they all rip and stop protecting after 4 to 5 months. I thought that this is the nature of these protectors. I also learned that they’re all somewhat rough and make the mattress a little warmer than it should be. 8 years after I needed a newer better mattress because my Serta mattress was just not doing it anymore. I needed something with support that still had a little give for comfort. I research and stumbled upon Sweet Z latex mattress. I read some reviews and purchased it. I also decided to get their natural mattress protector to go with it because it looked like quality. The mattress and the protector arrived and now I’ve been using them for almost 10 months. I mean why buy and expensive mattress with good cooling then put a cheap mattress protector that ruins its purpose. Now I know that not all mattress protectors are created equal. Sure, this protector is more expensive than most you find for $40 but it has none of their weaknesses and is not made of cheap plastic. It actually says on the box that its 100% natural. This protector is very soft on my skin and is very cool and breathable. I wash it once every two weeks and its still holding up very well. It must be because its not made of plastic like the other ones. It also fits very nice with my 12 inch latex mattress. Every time I wash it I take a look at my mattress and it looks as if I just got it out of the box. I really give this mattress protector 100% with no complains.

Hi Abby Wow. Thank you so much for taking the time to tell us your story and what you think of our protector in such detail. We really apricate your kind words and are happy and proud that you are our customer :)

Peter G.
Better than all the others I tried. Will buy again

This is actually my third protector buy in as many months. The first one was from Amazon and it was both hot and rough on my skin. The second one was also from Amazon and it came damaged. I don't understand how they have so many good reviews! Anyway, this one I got is cooler better and much softer on my skin. I really hope it lasts.

UPDATE. This is my update after 1 year. The protector is still as good as the day we bought it. The cooling effect hasn't reduced whatsoever!

My allergies have also been reduced. When the guy on the chat told me that it would reduce my allergies because it's natural I though he was blowing smock up my you know what! But actually over the span of a year I did notice my allergies reducing.
Take my advice, stay away from all those cheapy protectors and get yourself this one instead. And stop reading reviews already! LOL

Hi Peter,
This is Sam from the chat.
Your review made our day! Thank you so very much :)
I am so happy that you like our mattress protector.

It actually stays cool!

I didn’t get my mattress from here because my 14 year old latex mattress is still good. I was just looking for natural cool and not so noisy mattress protector to get since mine was no longer… protecting. So I got this one about 2 months ago and now its been washed 4 times already. I was honestly excepting its quality to go dawn after a few washes but nothing yet. It didn’t shrink or get any holes. I used the mattress protector by itself without any sheets a couple of times when I was washing my sheets and it really is comfortable and smooth. My last mattress protector lasted a good 4 years but was really noisy and very harsh on the skin so you could never use it without sheets but not this one. It somehow protects the mattress and stays cool at the same time. I really can’t recommend this enough especially since it cost $20 less than then the supposedly good protector I got 4 years ago with all the bells and whistles.

We're very glad that you like it. Thank you for recommending our mattress protector Daphne.

Extremely Pleased!

My old mattress got totally messed up when our apartment had an apparent mold and mildew issue, so I bought this to protect my new mattress. It really helped me because it dropped my allergies to almost none when I sleep. If only I’ve known that all the allergy symptoms were because I didn’t have a mattress protector. I still haven’t spilled anything on it to test if its water proof, but I can say for sure that it doesn’t allow anything to go through since my mattress (unlike the last one) is still very clean like I just bought it. I will never use my mattress without this protector again. Love that this doesn't make my mattress retain heat or affect the feel of the mattress itself. 100% in love with the product.

Hi Ayleen, Thank you very much for sharing your story with us. Glad our protector is to your liking :)