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Honey Hybrid Mattress - Sweet Zzz Official
Honey Hybrid Mattress - Sweet Zzz Official
Honey Hybrid Mattress - Sweet Zzz Official
Honey Hybrid Mattress - Sweet Zzz Official
Honey Hybrid Mattress - Sweet Zzz Official
Honey Hybrid Mattress - Sweet Zzz Official

Colchón híbrido miel

SKU: Honey Medium-Soft Twin
Precio habitual $1,648.90 Precio de oferta $878.90 Guardar $770


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$999 3642 34



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imágenes Colchón híbrido Honey en una cómoda cama bohemiaimágenes Colchón híbrido Honey en una cómoda cama bohemia

Algodón orgánico y látex para mayor comodidad, microbobinas patentadas para un soporte individual único y resistentes bobinas con bolsillos para mayor durabilidad y soporte firme.

4 razones por las que es el indicado

Ícono de comodidad único

Comodidad única

¡El colchón Honey Hybrid ofrece una comodidad tan única como usted! Se realiza mediante el uso de microbobinas Honey patentadas para aliviar la presión según su peso, forma corporal y posición para dormir únicos. Esto es especialmente necesario para quienes duermen de lado.

Icono de soporte individual

Apoyo individual

El colchón Honey utiliza 1584 bobinas envueltas individualmente (en tamaño queen) para garantizar que la alineación de su columna sea siempre correcta. Esto ayuda mucho a las parejas porque las bobinas empujan hacia atrás dependiendo del peso corporal y no transfieren el movimiento.

Icono de enfriamiento definitivo

Enfriamiento definitivo

El látex orgánico, el algodón orgánico y la lana orgánica son materiales muy transpirables. Incluso las bobinas están envueltas con bolsillos hechos con orificios diseñados para permitir que el aire circule para una máxima transpirabilidad. Esto es genial para quienes duermen calientes.

Icono de seguridad y sostenibilidad

Seguridad y sostenibilidad

Nuestro látex, algodón y lana son orgánicos. No utilizamos retardantes de fuego, solo lana orgánica Calmera® de Nueva Zelanda para que el colchón sea seguro. La cama tiene la certificación Oeko Tex como segura para bebés y pieles sensibles. Sin espumas de poliuretano de ningún tipo.

Cómodo pero brinda apoyo, un diseño de 13 pulgadas que se adapta a todos los que duermen

1- Funda acolchada de algodón orgánico

- El algodón orgánico es conocido por su transpirabilidad y ofrece un tacto muy suave pero fresco. Ser orgánico garantiza un contacto seguro con la piel y, en general, una mayor comodidad y refrigeración.

2- Lana Calmera® Orgánica de Nueva Zelanda

3- Látex Dunlop orgánico certificado GOLS

4- Micro Bobinas de Miel®

5- Bobinas envueltas individualmente hechas de acero templado americano

6- Mezcla de lana y algodón orgánico.

Corte de capas de colchón híbrido Honey

Látex orgánico certificado GOLS

Nuestro látex Dunlop con certificación GOLS es hipoalergénico, ecológico y extremadamente duradero. También ofrece un sueño fresco y refrescante ya que es naturalmente transpirable. Proviene de árboles de caucho que no resultan dañados en el proceso, lo que lo hace completamente renovable. De hecho, los árboles son productivos durante 25 años, absorben dióxido de carbono de la atmósfera y ayudan a reducir los gases de efecto invernadero.

Savia de látex orgánico certificado GOLS goteando en un cubo de recolección
Flor de algodón orgánico en la naturaleza.

Algodón orgánico puro

La principal sensación de lujo del colchón Honey Hybrid proviene de su gruesa funda acolchada de algodón orgánico. Queríamos asegurarnos de que siempre descansaras sobre algo orgánico, por eso utilizamos algodón orgánico puro para nuestra funda. El algodón orgánico es conocido por su increíble transpirabilidad y ofrece un tacto muy suave pero fresco. ¡Cada vez que te vayas a la cama apreciarás lo fresco que se siente!

Lana orgánica de Nueva Zelanda

La capa debajo de la funda de algodón es nuestra lana orgánica Calmera® de Nueva Zelanda. Regula naturalmente la temperatura, lo que significa que permanecerá más fresco en verano y más cálido en invierno. Aunque su piel no entrará en contacto directo con él, su función de regulación de temperatura aún ayuda. Sin mencionar el hecho de que elimina la necesidad de retardantes de fuego.

Lana orgánica Calmera® de Nueva Zelanda derivada de ovejas.

Escala de firmeza del colchón

Imágenes de una báscula que muestra la firmeza del colchón. lo que indica que el colchón híbrido color miel está entre 4 y 7, siendo 1 la sensación más lujosa y 10 la más firme

Nuestras Honey Micro Coils ofrecen un soporte individual único basado en la forma del cuerpo, el peso y la posición para dormir, ¡lo que le da al colchón Honey Hybrid una gama más amplia de firmeza!

Sistema de doble bobina

¿Qué hace que el sistema de doble bobina sea tan único?

Una imagen de las microbobinas Honey Hybrid en ensamblaje
  • -

    Microbobinas de miel

    • Actúan como pequeños redistribuidores de puntos de presión en áreas como hombros y caderas.
    • Proporcionan comodidad sensible según la forma del cuerpo, el peso y la posición para dormir.
    • Actúan como una capa cómoda resistente pero suave que es perfecta para todo tipo de personas que duermen.
    • Minimizan la transferencia de movimiento y ofrecen una mejor experiencia general para las parejas.
    • Mantienen un gran flujo de aire y trabajan con el resto de las capas para promover el enfriamiento.
Una imagen de las bobinas Honey Hybrid envueltas individualmente en ensamblaje
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    Bobinas envueltas individualmente

    • Las bobinas envueltas 1584 ofrecen la cantidad adecuada de soporte firme para una mejor alineación de la columna.
    • Las bobinas están hechas de acero templado para mejorar la longevidad y luego se guardan por separado.
    • Las dos filas exteriores están hechas de bobinas más firmes para evitar cualquier sensación de "deslizamiento".
    • Las espirales internas se hacen más suaves para un mejor contorno y soporte individual.
    • Al igual que las microrrespiradores, también proporcionan un excelente flujo de aire y promueven un sueño nocturno más fresco.
Ícono certificado orgánico GOTS

ID CU 813274

Icono de certificación NOP del USDA
Icono certificado por Eco Institute

DNI 0921 - 12256 - 001

logo del 1% para el planeta
Ícono certificado por el Sustainable Furnishing Council
Icono certificado por Eco Institute

¡Todo el mundo habla de nuestra marca y ama nuestros inventos!

Logotipo del diario Opera
Logotipo de la revista Times
Logotipo de línea de salud
Logotipo de la Fundación del Sueño
Icono de Tuck.com
Ícono del Asesor de sueño
Icono de sueño cítrico
Icono de vida cómoda
Imágenes del colchón Honey Hybrid en un bonito dormitorio

Especificaciones detalladas y preguntas frecuentes

  • +

    1. ¿Se ha probado la calidad y durabilidad del colchón Honey Hybrid?

    Si, absolutamente. Está probado y certificado por LGA. La prueba se lleva a cabo aplicando aproximadamente 330 libras de fuerza sobre el colchón y acariciando el colchón 60.000 veces. Esta prueba pretende simular, más que adecuadamente, el uso doméstico normal de un colchón. Cuando un colchón permanece ileso, recibe la certificación LGA por haber superado una prueba tan rigurosa.
  • +

    2. ¿Qué son las capas del colchón Honey Hybrid?

    • Funda y relleno acolchados de algodón orgánico de ½”

    • Lana Calmera® orgánica de Nueva Zelanda de ¼” como retardante de llama natural

    • Látex Dunlop orgánico certificado GOLS de 1” (certificado de carbono neutro)

    • Honey Micro Coils® de 4” (excelente alivio de presión, perfecto para todo tipo de personas que duermen)

    • Bobinas de 8” envueltas individualmente hechas de acero reciclado americano - (1584 bobinas en reina)

    • Mezcla de lana y algodón orgánico de ¼“. Funciona como una base estable.

  • +

    3. ¿Cuál es el índice de firmeza del colchón Honey Hybrid?

    En una escala del 1 al 10, siendo 10 el más firme, Honey Hybrid tiene una calificación de firmeza del 4 al 7. Tiene un soporte firme que mantendrá la espalda y el cuello alineados y al mismo tiempo será suave con los hombros, la espalda y las caderas. El colchón es la definición misma de “soporte firme y comodidad suave”.
  • +

    4. ¿Utiliza retardadores de fuego en su colchón?

    No. Todos los colchones deben aprobar la ley de seguridad contra incendios, pero hicimos que nuestro colchón fuera seguro mediante el uso de lana orgánica Calmera® de Nueva Zelanda. No sólo actúa como barrera contra incendios, sino que también aumenta la comodidad general del colchón, regula la temperatura y elimina la humedad.

  • +

    5. ¿Cuáles son las dimensiones de los tamaños Honey Hybrid?

    Tamaño Ancho Longitud Espesor
    GEMELO XL 38" 80" 13"
    Lleno 54" 75" 13"
    Reina 60" 80" 13"
    Rey 76" 80" 13"
    rey cal 72" 84" 13"
  • +

    6. Prueba de sueño de 100 noches Honey Hybrid

    Estamos seguros de que le encantará su colchón Honey Hybrid, por eso lo respaldamos con una prueba de 100 noches. Simplemente le pedimos que pruebe el colchón durante al menos 30 noches para asegurarse de haber experimentado lo mejor que tiene para ofrecer. Esto le dará tiempo suficiente para adaptarse adecuadamente al nuevo colchón. Tenga en cuenta que habrá una tarifa de devolución de $99. La fecha de prueba comienza cuando recibes tu colchón y solo se puede utilizar una vez por cliente. Si por algún motivo después de los 30 días y antes del 100 decidió devolver el colchón, puede iniciar una solicitud de devolución simplemente llamándonos al 800-811-7514 .

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    7. Garantía de por vida del híbrido Honey

    Su nuevo colchón Honey Hybrid viene con una garantía limitada de por vida ofrecida al comprador original del producto. La garantía cubre ciertos defectos del producto mientras el comprador sea propietario del colchón. Si se produce un defecto, el colchón será reparado o reemplazado completamente por uno del mismo tamaño y modelo o por un modelo comparable actual. Esta garantía limitada se aplica a los compradores originales del colchón Sweet Zzz en las tiendas Sweet Zzz Mattress, en línea o minoristas autorizados. Esta Garantía Limitada no es transferible a ningún propietario posterior de dichos colchones. El uso de su base actual no anulará su garantía de por vida de Sweet Zzz siempre que su base esté en buenas condiciones y ofrezca suficiente soporte. Lea nuestros detalles de garantía

  • +

    8. ¿Qué bases puedo utilizar con el colchón Honey Hybrid?

    A pesar de tener 13" de grosor, Honey Hybrid es muy flexible, por lo que funciona en cualquier base ajustable, cama de listones de madera, somier o incluso en el piso, siempre que haya suficiente soporte. Usar su base actual no anulará su Sweet Zzz Garantía de por vida siempre y cuando su base esté en buenas condiciones y ofrezca suficiente soporte.

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en todos los colchones Sweet Zzz.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3703 reviews
Worked for me (Side sleeper), & my son (Back sleeper)

I'm 42 about 5'5" and fairly lightweight. I also sleep on my side and this mattress is a life saver. It was recommended to an expert online and I said it looks amazing for side sleeping so why not.

I kid you not I didn't even need a day or two to adjust (my husband needed a couple of days) and my back and hip feel amazing. My husband isn't picky and he likes what I like but he also said he loves it now. He's about 5'8" but much heavier than me and sleeps on different positions.

My son on the other hand is only 15 but also loves his new bed and sleeps mostly on his back.

I previously bought the Honey Hybrid mattress from sweet zzz but didn't review it so now after my son loved the bed also I felt obligated to tell my story.
I was searching for the right mattress to buy online and I came across this one and I just felt safer when I saw that is it actually a business with Multiple organic certificates because I'm tired of having headaches rom all those toxic infested beds. So I decided to get this bed out of the rest of them because it has the right comfort for me.

Long story short after I tested the bed for a good month my son started Demanding the same bed and complained all the time about how his bed is so awful. So I got him the same bed and even though nothing in this world is good enough for him he actually said he liked it. After that I just had to review the one thing my son liked in well... forever.

Hi Erica,
We really do appreciate you taking the time to share your experience with us.
We always do our best to create sleep products that help other sleep better while also remaining sustainable and affordable. It truly does help knowing people are actually enjoying our inventions :)
Thank you

Changed My Life! THANKS

First to the main reasons why the Honey mattress worked for me. I think because of its good design, the mattress doesn't hurt my hip like all the other beds I tried in store do.
The problem is that I'm only 5.2 but on the heavier side and sleep on my side so most mattresses push on my hip a lot. This design helped a lot in addition to the fact that it really sleeps cool which was the second problem had with other beds. I almost gave up on the concept that a bed could be cool. The mattress achieves it beautifully.

Finally, I like to add the fact that everything is organic and I have all the allergies you've heard of. For example some of the headaches I used to get before are gone. it could be because I'm not breathing toxic fumes anymore. Honestly just an all in one mattress!

Now to why I love this mattress. This bed changed my life to the better in so many ways. First, my life with my husband is now so much better because we can sleep on the same bed again like when we were young without him complaining all the time about how bad the bed I choose was.

Second my health life is better now that I don't wake up with pain every morning. I still have my back issue because I cheapened on buying a good bed for so long that now I need a good year before my back is back to normal, but I definitely feel an improvement.

Third, my work life is better simply because of the first two that I mentioned. Sometimes its the small things that make all the difference.

Hi Emma,
Wow, this was heartwarming to read. I'm glad it worked out for you.
You sounded so nice over the phone and I'm truly happy your life is taking a turn for the better.

Sam W
Sad story, but happy ending

Believe it or not, I paid $5799 for the most luxurious memory foam on the market by tempur pedic and it was horrible. The store said they have 30 day trial but what they didn't tell me is that it is an exchange policy for even or greater price only and not a full refund policy. Anyway, we kept the horrible mattress and decided to never buy a mattress again in stores.

Honestly my first intuition was to buy online but I didn't trust it and went to a store, over paid and didn't even get a good mattress. I came across this Honey Hybrid bed and read some reviews and was done waiting so I ordered, but before I did, I called them and chatted with them making sure that the trial was a full refund not an exchange policy because I couldn't bare going through this again. They were really polite I talked with Adam and chatted with Anna and they were both amazing.

I got the mattress and the first couple of days it felt kinda weird because we were so used to memory foam but after 2 weeks the mattress felt flawless. Let me tell you how. We had a lot issues with being stock in the last mattress and this one was just supportive not at all uncomfortably firm because it is gentle on your body but gives a nice firm support.
The second issue we used to have was that memory foam was too hot for us and even the AC couldn’t help because then room would be cold and we are still hot in the parts that are touching the mattress.
The third issue was the firmness that changed in about 2 months from using the mattress. Well this bed is still the same after 4 months now and its actually because of this that I am writing the review to help others know about this gem. I going to tell everyone I know about my experience with this company and their latex mattress.

Sam, Thank you so much for your kind words and for taking the time to write such a detailed and beautiful review. I am very glad that our mattress was everything you were hoping for. It makes us proud to hear stories like these.
Thank you again

Elle Q.
Always go with an organic latex hybrid. Always!

This is my second latex bed and I am very happy with it. My last one was 15 years old and it was still fine till my new puppy decided to mark it as his territory. I was afraid that I just wouldn't find the same mattress again and of course I didn't. After some research I found this one online and it looked as good as my old one so I decided to give it a try. I mean whats the worst that could happen, return it. Anyway after a few weeks the new one feels just like the old one. Latex is worth every penny.

UPDATE. I am doing an almost one year update about this bed because I thought to myself I need to tell everyone about my experience with it.
First the cover: Its still very nice and soft, though its made of organic wool and cotton its not warm at all. I'm actually surprised how it looks like it was unboxed yesterday. The cover overall is very nice and soft, no complains here at all.
Allergies: the very reason why I buy latex is because I have a lot of allergies to the stuff they put in other mattresses. That's why I asked them over the chat and the phone about whats in the mattress exactly. they had told me that they only used green organic stuff that wouldn't cause allergies. Anyway, I said if I'm going to have a reaction to this mattress it would surely be in the 100 day money back period. I honestly didn't have any health issues with this bed and let me tell ya, I start sneezing and coughing from high end mattresses used in hotels so I am a good measurement of what they used in this bed. With my last latex bed I didn't have any allergies at all till like 12 years after. I asked Sweet Zzz what could cause that and if that would happen again here and they said that old mattresses can stores a lot of goodies if you don't use a protector. I'm using a protector with this one. No issues at all with allergies so far.
The back comfort: Like I said in my original review, the feel of this bed is really good and supportive to my back like my last latex bed. It's also really important that in a almost a year now the mattress has not gotten any softer or changed feel in any way. that being said this mattress might not be for everyone as it is o the firm side. I mean I slept on my side all my life but I also like firm mattresses so its really up to your preference. Also the side is not as strong as I would have loved it to be but that's not really a big deal. Customer service: after the initial purchase I really didn't have much contact with the customer service (because I didn't need anything) but they did call me on the 90th day to see if I was OK with the bed and I said I'm fine. I did however call them after a few months and asked them if they had pillows that would go with this mattress as my latex pillows were really old. They said that they actually do have a plant based down pillow that goes with this mattress.

OVERALL: If you're thinking of getting this bed, I would say go for it. the feel, greenness, comfort, cover, and even customer service are all great. I told my friend Anne about this bed and she got it too after I told her you can return it if you don't like it. she has had it not for a couple of weeks and she likes it too so I say go for it.

Hi Elle, Your nice compliments made the Sweet Zzz team blush :) Thank you very much for your kind words.

Lizzy D
Side sleepers rejoice

After had just returned my Helix bed, I literally gave up on finding a mattress meant for side sleepers. Everything you get seems to be pushing on my left shoulder and hip.
When I started researching AGAIN, I come across the Honey hybrid mattress by sweet z and looked promising but honestly my expectations at that point where zero.

Anyway I read some reviews and decided to go for it. Especially since it was in my budget and organic at the same time which is amazing.
I got the mattress and honestly needed some help from by brother to carry it upstairs. When we opened it and aired it out, it came to 13-inches in less than a minute and I slept on it that same night.

The first thing I noticed before I even use it, was the fact that there were no bad chemical poly smells. I don’t have any allergies or anything, but I figured that must be a good sign. All other beds smelled really bad especially my old Tempropedic bed smelled like rotten eggs for 2 weeks straight!
The first few nights my sleep wasn’t much better but I still noticed that my shoulder and hip were not in pain. I think it was the fact that I’m so used to memory foam mattresses. After about a week I started feeling the difference. The coils this bed has really do work wonders. They push on the right spot with the right amount of support. Its hard to explain but the bed really was designed for side sleepers.

UPDATE. I’ve came back to this review to add that now I’ve been sleeping soundly on the Honey bed for 3 months and I feel amazing. I finally found it guys. The one that cured my many sleep issues.

Hi Lizzy,
Thank you so much for taking the time and sharing your experience with us.
We are really happy for you to have finally found what you were looking for in our mattress.