Latex vs Memory Foam (A Complete Guide and Comparison)



Memory foam and latex mattresses both deserve their solid reputations as great alternatives to traditional beds.

They both earn their share of thumbs up and positive comments across independent review sites, but it's not always easy to understand the differences between these two mattresses.

For example, you might wonder why latex mattress materials are rated as more eco-friendly than memory foam. You might be curious about which bed provides a more romantic, couple-friendly sleeping experience. 

Which is better? Do memory foam or latex mattresses offer everything you want in a bed? How do you decide, and how do you choose the best of each mattress type? These are just a few of the questions covered with this guide.

Latex vs Memory Foam: Latex Pros and Cons

When you consider the latex mattress vs memory foam debate, don't think of it as a battle between competing beds. Instead, see it in terms of differences between the two. Let's start with an overview of latex pros and cons.

Latex Pros

1. The Best Latex Is All-Natural

Of all the materials used to produce foam for mattresses, 100 percent natural latex is the best of the best. If you have allergies or respiratory problems, you breathe easier sleeping on an natural rubber mattress.

2. It Bounces Back

Natural latex mattress reviews often mention the wonderful responsiveness of a pure latex mattress. The material has a firm bounce that provides a uniquely comfortable sleep experience. Many people prefer the springy feel of latex over the contouring qualities of memory foam.

3. The Support Is Solid

The responsiveness of a natural latex mattress comes from its density, and that's a feature highly valued by back sleepers as well as individuals with chronic back and neck pain. A quality latex bed blends firm support and comfortable spinal alignment to ensure a healthy night's sleep.

4. You Enjoy Cool Rest

Latex features a naturally open cell structure making it an ideal foam bedding material. A latex mattress breathes, and that allows it to efficiently dissipate body heat. You enjoy cool, comfortable slumber throughout the night.

5. Latex Holds Up for Years

Unlike traditional beds built with coils and fabric, latex never develops sunken spots, lumpy areas or sagging edges. A latex mattress always keeps its shape, smooth surface and overall firmness. A well-made latex bed holds up over an average sleeping life of 15 to 20 years.

6. Body Weight Doesn't Matter

The density of a latex mattress makes it especially comfortable for people with heavier frames. The material firmly and comfortably supports all body types and sleeping styles. Natural latex is a favorite among large and tall individuals because it easily supports weights in excess of 250 pounds.

Latex Cons


1. The Best Costs More

Compared to other foams, latex is more expensive. If you wonder why latex mattress prices are higher than other foam beds, keep in mind that the best latex mattresses are made entirely from natural materials. Manufacturing also affects the cost because pure natural Talalay latex foam for example requires 400 percent more time to produce than other types of latex.

2. It's Heavier Too

Because of its natural density, latex is the heaviest of all bedding foams. This can make moving a latex mattress more difficult than handling a memory foam bed. However, a latex mattress doesn't need to be flipped or turned. Once it's in place, a latex bed provides years of care-free service.


Is Latex Right For You?

Before you invest in a mattress that's going to last for years, how can you be sure latex is your best choice? Latex vs memory foam clearly offers a number of advantages, but is it the right mattress for you? Yes, it is if:

You Prefer Sleeping On, Not In

Not everyone enjoys the sinking-in feel of a memory foam bed. A latex mattress provides firm but comfortable support that gives you the feel of sleeping on the mattress instead of sinking into it. 

You're a Hot Sleeper

As you generate body heat during a normal sleep cycle, you often become too warm and wake up uncomfortable. A natural latex mattress solves the problem with materials that breath. Latex doesn't retain moisture either.

You Want to Go Natural

If you're committed to making eco-friendly choices whenever you can, a natural latex bed belongs in your home. You rest easier with the peace of mind that comes from sleeping on a mattress made with all-natural materials.

You Like Romance with Bounce

It's not unusual to read mattress reviews from couples who enjoy the way latex foam responds to romantic fun in bed. If you're looking for an extra bounce in your love life, a latex mattress can be a very sexy addition to the bedroom.

How Do You Choose a Quality Latex Mattress?

With so many different models, manufacturers and online mattress stores, the options can seem overwhelming. Take your time, take a careful look at latex mattress specifications, and keep these important points in mind.

Talalay Is the Best

When considering a latex mattress vs memory foam, you have a choice between different types of latex: natural Talalay latex is one of the best as it's very breathable and comfortable.


Made in the U.S.A. Matters

In general, latex made in the U.S.A. is a much better product than imported latex. Higher manufacturing standards and rigorous processing result in a mattress foam that's pure and natural. American-made Talalay latex is the preferred foam for producing premium mattresses.

Mattress Reviews Count

When a product delivers, consumers share the good news. Take a look at natural latex mattress reviews across independent sites, and make note of which beds really stand out. For example, the Nature's Novel mattress consistently receives five-star reviews from satisfied sleepers.


Read more: Natural Latex Mattress {Advantages and Disadvantages}


Memory Foam vs Latex: Memory Foam Pros and Cons 

Memory foam mattresses offer their own unique advantages and a few disadvantages too. When you're shopping online for a bed in a box, this mattress holds its own compared to latex beds. Consider these memory foam pros and cons.

Memory Foam Pros


1. It Pampers Pressure Points

Memory foam contours to your body with supple support that comforts sensitive pressure points. Different sleeping positions compress shoulder, back and hip muscles, but a good memory foam mattress eases the discomfort. The material pampers pressure points regardless of your personal sleeping style .

2. Memory Foam Reduces Pain

When consumers rate the pros of memory foam vs latex, pain reduction tops the list of memory foam advantages. In fact, it rates higher than all other bedding materials for relieving neck, shoulder, back and hip pain.

3. Couples Enjoy Quiet Rest

Because it completely absorbs motion, memory foam ensures a good night's sleep regardless of how much one partner might toss and turn. Even two restless sleepers can enjoy sharing quiet nights and romantic evenings on a couple-friendly memory foam mattress.

4. The Material Is Very Durable

A well-made memory foam mattress holds its shape and firmness for years. The best come with lifetime warranties because the materials are especially durable. Only latex beds last longer than premium memory foam mattresses.

Memory Foam Cons


1. It Sleeps Too Warm

This is the most common complaint about memory foam beds. The material doesn't breathe, and that results in an uncomfortably warm sleeping environment.

2. Memory Foam Sinks In

The memory foam qualities that absorb motion can feel unresponsive to some individuals. Not everyone likes the sense of sinking into a memory foam mattress as it contours to body shape and weight. This feature also contributes to the foam's tendency to trap heat.

3. The Material Is Synthetic

Most memory foam beds are produced from synthetic ingredients that off-gas even after setup in your home.


Is Memory Foam the Best Choice For You?

Memory foam has several advantages over latex including a lower price point. It's easy to understand why memory foam beds are so popular, but is this mattress model the best choice for your personal sleeping style? Yes, it is if:

You Need Pressure Point Relief

You're tired of waking up with sore shoulders or aching hips. Perhaps you deal with chronic back pain, arthritis or bursitis. A quality memory foam mattress relieves the discomfort of pressure points from neck to ankles.

You Miss Sound Sleep

If you share the bed with a partner who tosses and turns, peaceful nights can turn into sleepless nights. Memory foam doesn't transfer motion, and it's also noiseless. You enjoy a sound sleep while your partner rests easier too.

You Like to Snuggle

Many people prefer the contouring feel of memory foam vs latex because it's very comforting. Memory foam mattresses are available with different levels of firmness that provide deep, supportive cushioning.

You Appreciate Value

The best memory foams are produced with premium materials that feature real durability. As long as you avoid cheap models, you can count on memory foam to outlast traditional beds.

What Should You Look For in a Quality Memory Foam Mattress?

Shopping online for a memory foam mattress can quickly become a confusing experience. With so many brands to choose from and so many sites offering discounts, it's hard to sort through everything. As you look for a memory foam bed that really fits your sleeping style, keep these guidelines in mind.

Density Makes a Difference

Take a look at the density specifications of cheap mattresses . Bargain beds are made with 1.8-pound density foam while the best mattresses feature 4- and 5-pound foam. These beds are built with three times more foam than the same-sized discounted models.

Certification Is Important

You want to sleep in a healthy environment every night, so make sure your mattress choice meets the highest industry standards . Cheap memory foam production involves all-chemical processes, but a natural memory foam mattress only uses certified healthy materials and plant-based oils.

Made in the U.S.A. Really Matters

American-made memory foam mattresses are almost always better than imports. Products from overseas are mass-produced, so you can't be sure about the quality of materials. The best memory foam beds made here in the U.S.A. are usually made to order.

Your Preferences Are the Ultimate Guide

Deciding on which is better, memory foam or latex, depends on your personal preferences, but be careful. Balance what you want with what you need. By making the right choice based on the way you sleep, you can enjoy the amenities you love and the benefits you deserve.

Don't be tempted by sellers advertising cheap memory foam and latex mattresses at prices too good to be true. Be cautious dealing with online mattress stores that don't provide detailed product specifications, certifications and warranties.

It's our goal to help you shop wisely and with confidence. We hope you'll shop with us here at Sweet Zzz, but we know you can use our guide's information wherever you decide to purchase your next mattress. It's always our pleasure to be at your service and help you find your very best night's sleep.